DDRF Proposal discussion
Article discussion -- 

Strong Release of Methane on Mars in Northern Summer 2003Michael J. Mumma 1*, Geronimo L. Villaneuva 2, Robert E. Novak 3, Tilak Hewagama 4,Boncho P. Bonev 2, Michael A. DiSanti 5, Avi M. Mandell 5, Michael D. Smith 5

Interpreting the yield of transit surveys: Are there groups in the known transiting planets population?
Fressin Francois, Guillot Tristan, Nesta Lionel
(Submitted on 20 Jan 2009)

These also came up as potentially useful discussion references. 
Gould and DePoy (1998) and Han (2001)

See group email for details of the following potential projects.

1) JWST related projects
 (CONTACT: Rémi Soummer)

2) Beyond JWST (e.g. ATLAST)
 (CONTACT: Rémi Soummer)

3) Intermediate steps
 (CONTACT: Daniel Apai)

- Use of small telescopes?  All-sky microlensing survey? (CONTACT: Kailash Sahu)

4) Astrobiology and Extrasolar Planet Initiative and Feedback to NASA Extrasolar Planet Missions: 
 (CONTACT: Daniel Apai)
Astrobiology -- expertise in imaging planets, characterizing planets, characterizing host stars of exo-planet systems, disks.
Not enough money to work on multiple topics, choose one main idea and focus on it, do a good job with it, draw on the expertise of people at the institute. What to include/not include in a proposal. 
Also consider Johns Hopkins discussion group, meets on Friday afternoons about once a month. 

Big Picture
Hire a few people.
Develop facility for instrumentation. Clean room facility (optics lab).
Host conference, school.
Buy piece of a current project.
Leverage for a larger project with external funds. 

Also, we have a meeting scheduled on Friday, Feb. 13 at 2pm with Matt.
DDRF Proposal discussion
Thursday, January 22, 2009