Kepler launch
Papers discussed --

(Doug Long leading discussion) To celebrate the launch of Kepler and the publication of the IAU symposium 253 proceedings:
KEPLER: Search for Earth-Size Planets in the Habitable Zone
William Borucki, David Koch, Natalie Batalha, Douglas Caldwell, Jorgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, William D. Cochran, Edward Dunham, 
Thomas N. Gautier, John Geary, Ronald Gilliland, Jon Jenkins, Hans Kjeldsen, Jack J. Lissauer and Jason Rowe
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union , Volume 4, Symposium S253, May 2008, pp 289-299

(Pavel leading discussion)
The Transit Light Curve Project. XI. Submillimagnitude Photometry of Two Transits of the Bloated Planet WASP-4b
Kepler launch
Thursday, March 12, 2009